Does your LinkedIn URL… end like this?

  • Post published:28/04/2021
  • Reading time:5 mins read

LinkedInDoes your LinkedIn URL look like this? Ending with a weird code at the end of your name?

It doesn’t really look nice if you intend to use your LinkedIn URL on your business card, in your email signature, in your resume, in your blog, your Facebook etc.


More importantly, it shows to the rest of us that you are not following best practice in profile writing and how to take care of your personal brand image.

If you don’t take care of your personal brand, others will do it for you


Watch video with easy to follow instructions

VideoIn my 2-minutes video below (scroll down), I will teach you how simple it is to get rid of this combination of numbers, letters, and other random characters.

It will then take you just 30 seconds to update your own LinkedIn URL. And then this is how you want the LinkedIn URL to look like:


Tip 1: No need to access these links, they are only used for demo purpose to illustrate my points in the blog. The profile links are not activated.

Where does this URL code come from?

When you first set up your profile, LinkedIn will automatically assign a URL, also known as a www-address, to access your public profile on LinkedIn.

It’s done so that people with exactly the same name can get their own LinkedIn profile. If not, as an example, only one Kent Warrel would be able to register a profile on LinkedIn.

Simplify Your LinkedIn URL

Scroll down just a bit, then watch the short video and see exactly how I edit the URL LinkedIn.

Two bonus tips

TipsTip 2: it doesn’t matter if it’s uppercase or lowercase. LinkedIn will automatically make all characters lowercase.

Tip 3: Delete the https:// when you type your LinkedIn URL on your business cards, resume, etc. It’s not necessary as long as your URL starts with www.

VideoIn my 2-minutes video, I will teach you how simple it is to get rid of this combination of numbers, letters, and other random characters.

And finally, click the VIDEO icon on the left or HERE, then sit back and learn. Good luck.

Tom Sorensen

Tom Sorensen is an executive search veteran with over 25 years of experience recruiting in Asia, Europe, and Africa. He has worked in executive search in Thailand since 2003 and is recognized as one of the country’s top recruiters and most profiled headhunters.