About Tom Sorensen, Headhunter

  • Post published:07/08/2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

From time to time, and typically at the many networking events I attend, I get this surprised look when meeting someone.

A surprised look and then the words: Wow, you are a real person! And, you are in Thailand!

So for the first time since I started my blogs in 2009 (BE2552), let me offer a glimpse into my personal journey and life experiences. Thanks Thomas for the idea to write this.

Greetings from Bangkok and the Desk of Tom Sorensen

As an active blogger and columnist, I take pride in personally writing each of my blog posts and articles.

I want to assure you that the insights and content you find on my blog are authentically created by me, not generated by AI!

My commitment is to provide genuine and thoughtful perspectives based on my extensive business experience and personal expertise from the bigger world of recruitment.

You will still find several blogs on my website, which I posted in 2009. Here are three of the popular ones:

  • How to become smarter on your resume. Read.

In Thailand’s recruitment space for 20 years

20 years. And still counting by the way.

It’s almost unreal that it was back on 1st October 2003 that I started my executive search and recruitment career at Grant Thornton in Thailand.

During my 14-year tenure there, I laid the foundation for the successes I have enjoyed since. Well, still enjoying I should say.

I offer a big hand to staff, colleagues, my personal assistants over the years, researchers and consultants.

You have worked hard to make our brands recognized as some of the very best in the recruitment and consulting profession.

Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. And I’m pleased that I still keep in touch with so many of you.

It’s even more pleasing for me to see how many have moved on and up to their own incredible careers and ventures, both in Thailand and overseas.

Tom Sorensen joins NPAworldwide in 2020

Tom Sorensen Recruitment (Thailand) Co., Ltd. started its business in April 2020 and shortly after joined the world’s largest independent recruitment network NPAworldwide.

  • NPAworldwide is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.
  • The partnership in NPAworldwide allows us instant access to more than 500 offices around the world. You will find six NPAworldwide offices in Thailand.

Our firm is of course licensed by Thailand’s Ministry of Labour as required by the Employment and Job Seeker Protection Act.

Also since 2020, I have served as an Associate Partner of Humanostics, focusing on psychometric assessment through The Predictive Index system (PI).

The work with PI involves psychometric and cognitive assessments used when you hire people but also for internal HR Development.

Leadership and influence

I have always taken a huge interest in community services and have held President, Chairman, and Director positions in various organizations.

The first time was 40 years ago in Jakarta, Indonesia, where I founded the Danish Business Association; today known as Danish-Indonesian Business Chamber.

  • Chairman, Danish Management Society (VL) Thailand (seven years)
  • Vice President, Skål International Bangkok: Association of Travel and Tourism Professionals (four years)
  • President, Danish-Thai Chamber of Commerce (five years)
  • Director, Thai Board of Trade (five years)
  • Chairman, Joint European Chambers of Commerce Thailand (two years)
  • Chairman, Scandinavian Society Siam, Thailand (two years)

My academic credentials include studies/degrees in Marketing as well as in Human Resources at the Copenhagen Business School.

PS… I didn’t mention my many bungee jumps, climbing Mount Kenya, or saving friends in a whitewater rafting accident in Alaska. Ask me next time we meet.

Tom Sorensen

Tom Sorensen is an executive search veteran with over 25 years of experience recruiting in Asia, Europe, and Africa. He has worked in executive search in Thailand since 2003 and is recognized as one of the country’s top recruiters and most profiled headhunters.