Candidates think you are doing a miserable job when interviewing

  • Post published:03/07/2019
  • Reading time:3 mins read

This is what typically happens: the interviewer picks up the resume from the secretary or the HR department on the way to the interview.

The preparation is the time it takes to walk to the meeting room. Without having given any real thought on the questions to ask it does not take long before the interviewer runs out of questions and continues with a long and winding presentation about the company and the products. (more…)

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7 tips for your resume that Headhunters just love

  • Post published:05/04/2019
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Why do you think that having a great resume is the single most important part of your job search?

The right answer: because if your resume does not excite and impress anyone, you will not be invited for an interview.

And obviously, if you can’t even get an interview you will never get the dream job. Simple as that and it can be said with these few words:

Resume purpose: To get you an interview ?


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Lack of feedback to candidates by today’s HR and recruitment professionals is quite appalling

  • Post published:05/06/2018
  • Reading time:3 mins read

If you want to know why recruiters in corporate Talent Acquisition departments and recruitment firms are considered in the same undesirable league as unscrupulous real estate agents and sleazy second-hand car salespeople, be ready for a blunt wake-up call.

Candidates complain to me that way too many HR people, Talent Acquisition departments, and Recruitment firms do not keep them updated on the hiring process. I just came out of an interview with a senior manager who took a day off to meet the multi-national industry leader about a big job; this meeting took place two months ago. Since then, no email nor phone call, no feedback or update what so ever. (more…)

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Perfect Hires Don’t Exist

  • Post published:11/05/2018
  • Reading time:3 mins read

My old boss told me: “If you hang around the night club until past midnight, waiting and waiting for that spectacular love-at-first-sight individual who would sweep you off your feet, you would most likely end up going home alone “.

In any hire, you must find a good balance, and make a trade-off if necessary, between three things; they are: (more…)

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How you can compete with robots in the future job market

  • Post published:07/05/2018
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Any chance you have been to New York the last 12 months? Perhaps visiting McDonald on the corner of Third Avenue and 58th Street to get yourself a cheese burger?

So this is how it works at that particular McDonald restaurant; you go to a touch screen kiosk, click the food and beverage you want. You use your mobile phone to pay… then pick up your hamburger that has been grilled to perfection by a McRobot.

I was recently the key-note speaker at an event for the Young Professionals of the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce. I was talking about how the YP’s could possibly compete with the robots in the future job market.

What does McKinsey and World Economic Forum say (more…)

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