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Are you in pain because of recruitment issues in your organization?

Many clients and candidates have praised our service – just look at our Testimonials -and Selection of Clients -and Completed Jobs.

Just one of the 8 scenarios in the bullet points below is enough to stress anyone out. Add a couple of more, and we talk about late evenings at the office, a bit of work over the weekend, and little time to recharge and be with your family and friends.
  • You have a massive personal workload with many deadlines?
  • You just had a key person resign?
  • You are suffering from high turnover in the team?
  • You just won a massive piece of work from one of your clients?
  • You are under pressure from head office to perform or deliver results?
  • You have no real HR support, maybe no admin support, and are clearly not an expert in interviewing, recruiting, hiring or onboarding?
  • Your high season is just about to start, and the pressure is on?
  • It’s salary review time, and you know your staff are underpaid and will be asking for raises and bonus?
Tom Sorensen Co., Ltd. is a recruitment service for multinational and Thai organisations seeking to fill management positions and senior-level roles in Thailand.

Tom Sorensen has been Thailand’s most recognized headhunter since 2003. He has innovated the industry by offering value-added services that you do not find elsewhere. About Tom Sorensen.

He has a distinguished 25-year career in executive search in Asia, Europe, and Africa, including extensive experience in the Thai market since 2003.

  • Retained executive search for permanent and interim positions, as well as human capital consulting, including career transition and a vast array of assessment tools.
  • Strong track record of recruiting C-level and other senior executives in a range of functions including accounting, finance, HR, IT, sales & marketing, engineering, operations, logistics & supply chain.
  • Industry experience spanning industrial, manufacturing, energy; logistics, supply chain; consumer products; financial services; professional services; technology, media, telecom; travel & tourism.


Tom Sorensen Recruitment (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is a Partner and Member of NPAworldwide. For more than 60 years,  NPAworldwide has been connecting independent global recruiting firms. NPAworldwide is headquartered in Michigan, USA. It’s the oldest recruiting network of its kind, with an international membership of 550 recruiting firms located throughout Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
Just in the Asia Pacific region alone, there are 151 firms ready to help you. Tom Sorensen connects you to NPAworldwide and to premier global recruiting firms all over the world.

As an employer looking for candidates in Thailand or anywhere on the globe, your relationship with Tom Sorensen and NPAworldwide can extend your global reach, increase your access to passive and active candidates, and help you win the talent war.


Tom Sorensen is a specialist executive search boutique firm at the top of the local recruitment market. For almost 20 years we continue to lead innovation in the executive search profession.

As a multi-specialist, we focus on strategic search and recruitment for positions where leadership and management skills are required.
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